‘Cool’ New Year’s Resolutions


New Year, New Decade and New Year’s resolutions. You start off strong, then slowly lose momentum as life gets hectic, and it’s hard to keep up and hold yourself accountable. Sometimes, you just don’t have an hour a day for the gym and even with commitment, the changes you want aren’t happening. We want to help you reach your goals. One way we can do this together only takes an hour or 2 and has no downtime. It means you can come in on your lunch break, after work, or even on a Saturday. Plus, the consultation is free!

What are we talking about? CoolSculpting!

What is CoolSculpting®?

CoolSculpting® is the number one FDA approved, non-invasive fat reduction treatment in the world that freezes away your fat permanently! It sounds too good to be true but it’s not! It is a great way to kick start or speed up your resolution of reshaping your body and getting rid of stubborn fat deposits.

CoolSculpting® uses cryolipolysis technology that selectively targets and freezes fat cells, resulting in up to a 25% fat reduction in the treated areas with each application. You can pinpoint trouble spots where you’d like to reduce fat, like your abdomen, flanks, arms, thighs or hips.

It’s a great option if you already make healthy choices with diet and regular exercise, but are looking for a little help with those stubborn areas that don’t seem to go away. Not only is it a great addition to a healthy lifestyle, it can also be a great motivator. When you see your workout results faster, you work harder and it may be easier to stay committed.

How to Choose your Provider

CoolSculpting® technology does not mean that your results will be the same, wherever you go. The machine, the applicators and the Provider are key. Here are some important questions to ask when deciding where to get your treatment.


Is this the right fat reduction treatment for me?

CoolSculpting is a great fit for someone whose lifestyle doesn’t allow for much downtime, or who has health concerns that make them a poor surgical candidate. You must have ‘treatable’ fat in your area of concern and an expertly trained provider can determine if you are a good candidate when examining you. Although one treatment application typically takes about 35 mins, the average person needs more than one to achieve optimal transformation and results take up to 6 months to fully emerge. Your time commitment in our office is likely to include several visits, and an hour or 2 each time you come. Our providers are very transparent in giving you a realistic assessment of what it will take to achieve your goals.

If you are looking for a major change with a one-and-done procedure, and you are able and willing to take time off from work and exercise, surgery like liposuction or a tummy tuck may be a better option for you. As a plastic surgery practice, we offer the full spectrum of body contouring options for you to consider.


Do you use the newest machine, how many machines are available, and what applicators are used?

Does your provider have the newest CoolSculpting® technology? The newest machines provide faster treatments in as little as 35 mins per area and also get colder, for more effective fat reduction.  Ask about CoolAdvantage® Applicators because they treat more tissue and come in more custom shapes and sizes than older technology. Does your provider have more than one machine? We have 2 new machines, so we can treat both sides of your body or multiple areas at once, to get you to ‘transform’ as quickly as possible.


Did your provider attend advanced training at CoolSculpting® University?

Yes, CoolSculpting® University is the real thing and it makes a difference to your outcome. We are trained by the experts who created and tested this innovative technology. Our CoolScuptors’ expertise includes knowing who is a good candidate, how to most effectively treat each body area and what applicators to select for optimal results.

For long term results you need a long-term plan, not a one-time treatment.

CoolSculpting® results are all about ‘treating to transformation’, which means following a well-defined treatment plan designed by an experienced provider who also has expertise in applicator placement. This is a process and a team effort. It’s important to us that you feel confident and love the way you look.  Let us help you make 2020 YOUR year!

If you are interested in a consultation or more information, please call 518-786-1700 to book your appointment.