VASER Liposuction


For more than a decade, VASER LipoSelection has been revolutionizing the way patients receive their body-shaping procedures. If you’ve struggled with diet and exercise and are unable to get rid of stubborn fat deposits, VASER LipoSelection is a gentler, minimally-invasive liposuction technology that provides a slimming look in just one procedure.

This energy-assisted liposuction technique is powerful enough to treat large areas of fat, but gentle enough to treat delicate areas, including the arms and neck. VASER LipoSelection is tissue-specific, targeting fat cells. It utilizes ultrasound waves to precisely break up stubborn areas of fat, without harming the surrounding tissues like nerves and blood vessels. This means less bruising and pain after your procedure. VASER is also an ideal lipo contouring technology for ‘fibrous’ fatty areas often found in male patients (i.e. gynecomastia or male breast enlargement). Finally, VASER energy heats the tissues through ultrasound energy, which assists in achieving a smoother, tighter result than traditional liposuction.

Vaser LipoSelection is just one of several liposuction techniques that Dr. Capek offers. Patients throughout the Capital District areas of Albany, Schenectady, Troy, and Saratoga trust New York Plastic Surgeon Dr. Lucie Capek to perform their VASER LipoSelection. Many of our patients also travel from New York City, Vermont, Massachusetts, and beyond to receive her skilled and compassionate care.

Am I a good candidate?

For some individuals, diet, and exercise alone will not get rid of stubborn fat in certain areas of the body. If you are in good health and lead a healthy lifestyle you may be a good candidate for this procedure. Here are some common reasons why you may consider VASER LipoSelection.

  • You have fat deposits in troubling areas, including your abdomen, hips, flanks, thighs, back rolls, arms, or other areas of your body.
  • You have a limited amount of excess skin and good skin elasticity.
  • You are physically fit, and at or close to your target weight. If you are planning to lose or gain more weight, liposuction is not for you at this time.
  • You are a male patient with excess fatty tissue in the breast area (gynecomastia) or other parts of your body like your ‘love handles’.

Keep in mind that any form of liposuction should not be thought of as a weight loss treatment, but rather a body contouring procedure. A positive attitude and realistic expectations of your VASER LipoSelection procedure are also important for successful results.

Before Your Procedure

A consultation is necessary before your procedure to determine your candidacy. This procedure is highly customizable to each patient and can be performed on multiple body areas at once, so it’s important to discuss your realistic expectations. Dr. Capek will address your cosmetic goals and whether VASER LipoSelection is right for you. She and her staff will also advise you on how to prepare for your procedure and your aftercare instructions so that you feel confident every step of the way. Knowing what to expect is important to ensure a positive procedure process and outcome.

Before your procedure, it is important to quit smoking, at least, six weeks before and after surgery since healing complications are more likely in smokers. Additionally, avoid taking anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen or aspirin, that can lead to increased bleeding.

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board-certified plastic surgeon


Dr. Lucie Capek offers advanced cosmetic plastic surgery from the unique perspective of a female plastic surgeon. Since 1996, she has been serving patients in the Capital District from Albany, Saratoga, Schenectady, and Troy, NY. She is known for using the latest technology to perform body contouring, breast surgery, and facial cosmetic surgery. She personalizes every treatment to give each patient the most natural-looking results, enhancing their beauty and increasing their self-confidence. Above all, her practice is dedicated to your health and wellness. Dr. Capek understands that your beauty and confidence is about more than just your appearance. To schedule your first consultation, contact Lucie Capek, MD.


Your Procedure

VASER LipoSelection is a great alternative to traditional liposuction. This technology produces impressive results by utilizing ultrasound energy and gently removing unwanted fat through a small tube. VASER LipoSelection is designed to be gentle on the body while continuing to be highly effective, providing the smoother contours patients desire. Typically, Dr. Capek performs VASER LipoSelection under either conscious sedation, also known as MAC anesthesia, or general anesthesia for more significant areas or combination surgeries.

During your procedure, Dr. Capek injects the treatment area with a saline and local anesthetic solution, or tumescent fluid, to numb the area and shrink surrounding blood vessels. This process also expands the treatment area, which makes fat cells easier to remove. A thin ultrasound probe is inserted through a small incision(s) and the high-frequency ultrasound separates the fat cells from surrounding tissues. Traditional ‘cannulas’ and suction are then used to remove the fat from the body. This process is proven to be much less traumatic than ‘mechanical’ or traditional liposuction, resulting in less bruising and swelling after the surgery. In addition, the fat cells that are removed have been shown to be high-quality, living tissue that can also be used for fat transfer to other areas of the body, such as the buttock (Brazilian Butt Lift).

QuadA Accredited


Dr. Capek is pleased to offer her patients an intimate, comfortable and discreet surgical experience at Capek Surgical Arts (CSA), her state-of-the-art Quad A accredited operating suite right here in Latham, NY. You can undergo your procedure under the expert care of board-certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Capek and her exceptional team of anesthesia and clinical staff without having to go to a hospital or surgery center.. Cae you can expect with Dr. Capek and her team.


After Procedure

After the procedure, you should carefully follow Dr. Capek’s instructions to ensure a problem-free recovery. You will have a compression garment placed after your surgery that helps to decrease swelling and bruising. There will be significant drainage for the first 24 hours after your VASER procedure and you can change the pads under your garment as needed. You may remove everything and shower after 48 hours. As soon as you are comfortable, you can switch to a ‘second-stage’ garment that is lighter but still gives you good compression. You will need to wear this for at least 3-6 weeks, depending on the areas treated.

Walking is important right away but you should avoid strenuous exercise for at least 2-3 weeks. Dr. Capek will give you specific instructions based on exactly what areas were treated, the amount of fat removed, etc.

The skin around the treatment sites will be partially numb for several weeks or even months and you may feel some hard areas that gradually resolve as your swelling goes down. Massaging these can help soften them faster.

Most patients can see an improvement in their body contour post-procedure, but final results take up to 6 months. As long as you continue a healthy lifestyle, you will likely lose ‘inches’ gradually over that time frame.

What are the risks?

Common risks of VASER LipoSelection are similar to the risks of any liposuction procedure.  These include adverse reactions to anesthesia, infection, bleeding, changes in sensation, irregular body contours, and indentations. In Dr. Capek’s experience, VASER has been a very safe and high-satisfaction procedure with a very low complication rate. You can also help minimize these risks if you follow Dr. Capek’s instructions before and after your VASER LipoSelection surgery.

Improve your body figure with our VASER LipoSelection technique, and see the outstanding benefits this procedure can provide. Contact our practice today to schedule your initial consultation! Our office is just 13 miles from Albany and 9 miles from Schenectady, New York.


For more information, schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Capek today!
