Women’s Health


Labiaplasty and Female Genital Contouring

A feminine rejuvenation procedure, labiaplasty is common for women who are experiencing discomfort with their intimate parts. Women that may be good candidates are likely to have seen an increase in the size of their labia due to hormonal changes or pregnancy and childbirth, have cosmetic concerns about the size or shape of their labia, experience pain during sexual activity, or simply have had any other changes around the vaginal or vulvar areas that bother them.


Hormone Health

If you’re experiencing a dip in hormones due to menopause or aging, you will likely start seeing other changes in your day-to-day life such as trouble sleeping, a lack of sex drive, increased feelings of both physical and mental exhaustion, or loss of muscle mass. Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy can help restore the missing hormones by essentially “replicating” what your body already produces in a synthetic form to help your body be able to function better.



For more information, schedule your consultation appointment with Dr. Capek today!
