How to Get Rid of Submental Fullness: We Do it All!


You call it your double chin, your ‘waddle’, your ‘family trait’. It’s submental fullness and many men and women, young and old, have it. You may find yourself avoiding profile photos or feeling like it makes you look older or heavier than you are. The good news is that we have solutions for this issue!

What causes submental fullness? In many people, this area has some unwanted fat just under the skin that adds volume. If you have a weak or small chin, it will make it look worse. Aging changes also contribute loose skin and droopy muscle bands, as well as jowls and poor definition of the jawline.

As I write so often, every patient is unique and the treatments I recommend are customized to each person’s needs. In general, if you are younger and your skin tone is pretty good, you may get a great result with a completely non-invasive treatment called Kybella. This FDA-approved medication is injected into the fat under your chin, below the jawline and even into the jowls where it breaks down fat cells, destroying them permanently. Typically, 2-3 treatments are needed and the results are safe, predictable and noticeable. The great thing about Kybella is that no surgery is involved and there is little downtime and only mild discomfort. Men are often good candidates for this natural-looking and gradual approach.

I can also use Kybella “off-label” in other areas like the bra-rolls, for non-surgical and permanent fat reduction.

As a plastic surgeon, I am uniquely qualified to offer the full range of treatments for submental fullness. For example, if you have more loose skin or want a one-step correction, a Precision Tx. Laserlift, done in the office under local anesthesia, may be a better option for you. Maybe you would benefit from a chin implant as well. And of course, my state-of-the-art, short-scar Harmonic face/necklift is a natural-looking alternative for mature patients who have lost volume, skin tone and have more significant changes that they wish to address. We do it all!

My staff and I would be happy to discuss your options! We look forward to hearing from you.